Oh to be blessed with all the sweet little babies in my life! As my first borrowed baby is growing up (Happy 14th birthday Madelyn!), I have more little ones cropping up that I can sniff and snuggle. (Once they hit 12, they don't really want you trying to smell the baby powder on their neck and giving belly zerberts. Lame.)
Alex, my 'official' Godchild, whom will kiss my ring when he's old enough to actually stand up, is being Christened tomorrow. I'm so grateful to be a part of his little life, and to be guaranteed a spot on the team to watch him grow into a young man. It is impossible to be grumpy around this little guy- he is always smiling, laughing, or outright guffawing. He's like an organic, free-range anti-depressant!:) I like to tell myself that it's only because he's delighted to see me, and that I'm soooo funny. But I know it's not true- I know he's just a lovebug. I lurve this little Gigglebooger.
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