Saturday, August 22, 2009

In the process of removing my bed to redo my bedroom floors, an archaeological discovery was made. Apparently, artistic talent begins at an early age. (These are the brace boards from under the box springs). These Michelangelo reminiscent drawings were done by my brother and myself while lying underneath my bed (much like Michelangelo and the uncomfortable conditions of the Sistine chapel). Please note what appears to be a small dog buried underground in my brother's picture (top picture). Nice attention to detail bro, M'gelo would be proud.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Happy August birthday to my brotha-from-the-same-motha....

...and to my child-from-anotha-motha. So glad someone else had to do all the work, and I just get to enjoy the benefits.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Snowday and Cupcakes

When it snows, the German Princess is far too delicate to brave the icy roads. So in my snowy captivity last month, I decided to make.....CUPCAKES!!! The brown ones were a low-fat recipe that ended up in the trash, they tasted like sawdust. But the pink ones....yum!

Sutton Wilderness (A.K.A. Dead Man's Forest)

Last month I went over to take pictures at the Sutton Wilderness, which I now refer to as 'Dead Man's Forest' (see link for more info.: (
wilderness-in-norman/article/3350055). I was not aware of any foul play, just taking lovely photos of nature. But now as I look at these photos, I'm playing 'Where's Dead Waldo' and looking for anything suspicious in the background. Do you see anything?;)

These pictures were taken 3 days later in my backyard, after it snowed.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Charles Faudree Design Show

Ta-da! Emily and I created our own design show inspired centerpiece. So crafty, aren't we?

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Easter Smackdown 2009

Mindy was determined to not let her small innocent child get in the way of her cutthroat egg hunting. Way to take one for the team Hazel.

Dangit, when is my High Times magazine going to get here?


Even though she tried to make it look spontaneous....I suspect Emilie Kate had been rehearsing her bunny hop for some time.

Suckers, I already found all the cash eggs.

Mike is no longer an Easter Smackdown rookie........they just grow up so fast.

To trip or not to trip, that is the question.

Good thing this one came with directions.

The showdown for the Ultimate Egg Fighting Champion award...blood was shed for this contest people. Please notice the hole saw cutters hanging from David's basket, would you be surprised to know that he was the winner? It's hard to compete against that kind of blind violence.

A-R-E Y-O-U R-E-A-D-Y T-O R-U-M-B-L-E ???? (engines revving, chainsaws whirring, sparks flying.) It's time for the annual egg smashing, bone crushing, head knocking Easter Smackdown! This year we had some delightful new 'rookies' with us. Mike, who was far too nice to get Emily with his eggshell shiv when she stole eggs right from under his nose and Laura, Lisa's sister who wore espradilles (yes, ankle snapping espradilles) to hunt eggs. Ah my young grasshoppers. I was so excited that David (egg stealer) and Mindy Wilson came again, and brought their little Hazel. Emilie Kate Adcock brought her parents, Toad and Lisa, but had to put Toad in time out for heisting eggs from her basket. Last but not least, my cake pop partner in crime, sister-in-law supreme Emily rounded out the cast. Please note my brother was not present, because he's a dufus and scheduled a gig this weekend in Nebraska...way to go.

Cake Pops Final Product

And drumroll please.....the final product of our first cake pop experiment. Success! The creativity is astounding, and it only took 5 HOURS. Yes, that's right folks, for only 5 valuable hours of your time, you too can have 80 ADORABLE and delicious Easter cake pops. We had to use some toothpicks to prop our eyelids open after midnight, but it was totally worth it. I think the sleep deprivation maybe inspired some of the 'special' chicks and bunnies;)